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My Water Birth Experience by Tina Mayes


So this time around I tried something a little different. Coming to the decision to fully embrace the birth of my newest special edition with the inclusion of water and no drugs was one I will never regret and always remember.

After a few false starts (because my baby is stubborn like her father and myself), there I was beginning this journey of giving birth again and starting motherhood with a newborn from scratch and all I could do was thank God for the opportunity and Blessing.

The stage had been set and the water ran, my wonderful photographer @Kim Craven Photography contacted to capture the moment and the man I love awaiting the arrival as I prepared to bring our daughter earth side.

As my labor began and I started pushing I realized in a single moment that this was not a drill and the pain was physically present.

Upon progression of labor my body did what it was designed to do but with moments of frustration and being unfocused I screamed from the depths of a place I never knew existed and wondered how women before me took on this task so bravely time and time again.

However, in the midst of it all and there encouraging me to push through the pain was my daughters father helping me to stay focused and reminding me how strong I was. From start to finish I gave it my all but it wasn’t until complete exhaustion set in, my intense desire to meet my darling girl as well as my determination to bring this pregnancy to a close did I really make something happen.

With 2 pushes I could feel the end upon me and a single push brought her earth side, head body and all. It happened so fast my mind and body had no chance to connect with one another until I saw her face and she was finally in my arms.

My dearest baby girl, a healthy and beautiful 8 lbs 11.5oz wrapped in love just for me and daddy. The end of the pregnancy journey and on to a new journey and chapter of my life. I spent the next 4-5 hours enjoying love surrounding me and the joy of knowing I would be returning home to sleep in my own bed that very night was something to look forward to in itself.

The opportunity to see my birth plan come together full circle from start to finish made my experience magical. Everything I envisioned was manifested and played out by design. I could not be happier for the support of everyone who played a part and all the beautiful encouraging words from my family and friends far and near and for that I say thank you! Welcome princess #3 12/11/2018

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